about McKenzie
Hello! My name is McKenzie and I am a high school senior from California. I hold experience tutoring kids from second grade to high school students. My preferred subjects include math and science. I began taking accelerated math courses in middle school, and never stopped, I currently take AP Statistics. As for science, I enjoyed taking AP biology. My ultimate goal in the future is to be a part of the medical field, and I found that both math and science have sharpened my skills. Outside the realm of academics, I spend my time painting, listening to music, and playing the piano.
Tutor's Information
favorite tutoring areas
I find that math is both engaging and fun to teach, though I am more than happy to help with any subject.
Experience with kids
I have tutored kids before through various volunteer experiences and have often babysat.
Academic Credentials
I am a consistent honors student and I have taken AP level courses in subjects like calculus, history, english, and biology.