about Caleb
Hello, my name is Caleb Boxwell and I live in Davis, California. I am 17 years old and am a homeschooled junior in high school. I am currently taking classes that include AP writing, pre-calculus, physics, and Spanish III. However, the best classes that I have taken have been geography and weather through my local community college.
My favorite sport is crew, which I have practiced for five years. I have been both the coxswain who directs the boat and a rower. In addition to crew, I also enjoy running and biking. My favorite place to be is the mountain range around Lake Tahoe. During the summers I work as a day camp counselor in Tahoe. I also like reading sci-fi and fantasy books. Finally, I have two younger sisters, as well as a dog named Sierra and two cats named 2k and Olympia.